Bug reports

bug reports — Getting help with GtkSheet

Filing a bug report or feature request

If you encounter a bug, misfeature, or missing feature in GTK+, please file a bug report on https://github.com/fpaquet/gtksheet/issues. We'd also appreciate any support for fixing incomplete or misleading information in the GtkSheet documentation.

Don't hesitate to file a bug report, even if you think we may know about it already, or aren't sure of the details. Just give us as much information as you have, and if it's already fixed or has already been discussed, we'll add a note to that effect in the report.

Submitting Patches

If you develop a bugfix or enhancement for GtkSheet, please attach the patch generated by the git diff command. All patches must be offered under the terms of the GNU GPL license, so be sure you are authorized to give us the patch under those terms.