Part I. GtkSheet Overview

GtkSheet is a useful set of widgets for creating GUI's for GTK+. You can use it complementary to GTK+ and it is written in C. It is also Free Software and released under the LGPL license.

The library includes the following widgets:


GtkSheet is a matrix widget for GTK+. It consists of an scrollable grid of cells where you can allocate text. Cell contents can be edited interactively through a specially designed entry, GtkItemEntry. It is also a container subclass, allowing you to display buttons, curves, pixmaps and any other widget in it. You can also set many attributes as: border, foreground and background color, text justification, and more. The testgtksheet program shows how easy is to create a spreadsheet-like GUI using this widget set.


It is a GtkEntry subclass. It can have fixed size or can be dinamically resized when the text is entered. You can change text justification to centered, left, or right, and change the foreground and background colors very easily. It only displays the text and has no borders.

Table of Contents

Compiling GtkSheet Applications — How to compile your GtkSheet+ application
Bug reports — Getting help with GtkSheet